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Author Topic: How do you stop a smoker from smoking downstairs  (Read 40245 times)
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« Reply #72 on: July 19, 2008, 04:36:56 AM »

I just stay above him, sadly, not like two floors above him. Woh..Da, I'm sure u are a non-smoker..

i'm turned off by the emotional blackmail being used.

for example, people who keep big dogs do so for their own reasons, for their own enjoyment, and do not care about the safety or well being of their neighbours. but will say their dogs are so poor things.

or smokers have no where to smoke, not even in their own home, will get chased out by family members etc.

these are all self inflicted. deserves no sympathy. Yet, the victims, the neighbours who must keep up with these inconveniences must also bear with being emotionally blackmailed. wah, smokers so poor thing, smoke in own home also cannot? the dogs so poor thing, you go report the dog, it will get put down; you inconsiderate brute. must give and take lah.

Yet, it is always the people who take, without consideration for their neighbours, who will gain. the people who silently put up with things, have nothing to gain.

devil's advocate



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« Reply #73 on: July 20, 2008, 09:21:40 PM »

I just stay above him, sadly, not like two floors above him. Woh..Da, I'm sure u are a non-smoker..

i'm turned off by the emotional blackmail being used.

for example, people who keep big dogs do so for their own reasons, for their own enjoyment, and do not care about the safety or well being of their neighbours. but will say their dogs are so poor things.

or smokers have no where to smoke, not even in their own home, will get chased out by family members etc.

these are all self inflicted. deserves no sympathy. Yet, the victims, the neighbours who must keep up with these inconveniences must also bear with being emotionally blackmailed. wah, smokers so poor thing, smoke in own home also cannot? the dogs so poor thing, you go report the dog, it will get put down; you inconsiderate brute. must give and take lah.

Yet, it is always the people who take, without consideration for their neighbours, who will gain. the people who silently put up with things, have nothing to gain.
The topic is on smoking so pls stay on track....

You sound very upset about this issue...must be a personal thing I presume. Is it wrong for the smokers to smoke at their corridor and the 'smell' reaches you on the top floor? No such rule agaist it, report to who? Can they control the direction of the wind? Don't think so. If we non-smokers are so hard towards them do you think they'll give a damn about us at all? Anyway if that's your stand I respect that as we have no say in a person's point of view. thumbs up

If there are no benefits to the smokers and the habit only causes major illness to them, shouldn't cigarettes be banned altogether? Why the govt still promoting this deadly habit? Isn't it hypocrisy, increase price for more revenue on the basis of curbing people or more so younger people from the habit. Without the smokers paying these high taxes, where the country get it's $? If put a total ban on it, ALL of us will be affected by higher income taxes. Just my point of view and I hope you respect that too... smile


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« Reply #74 on: July 24, 2008, 01:47:33 AM »

Used to smoke so I understand the plight of smokers nowadays. Everywhere they go cannot smoke, coffee shop must sit in yellow box etc...

To avoid offending &concern for the 'health' of people in their own house they took the initiative to smoke outside. So now if people are also complaining when they carry out their 'habit' outside, what can they do or where can they go? Do you have a suggestion where they should smoke when they need to do so?

I think that's why HDB build rooftop garden? Whenever I go to my bro's house at Punggol..we always go to the roof garden for a puff...but best if can quit lah..been trying very hard to quit but can't ...haizzz longest 1 can tahan 1 month onli...argghhhhh

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« Reply #75 on: July 24, 2008, 04:25:50 AM »

Used to smoke so I understand the plight of smokers nowadays. Everywhere they go cannot smoke, coffee shop must sit in yellow box etc...

To avoid offending &concern for the 'health' of people in their own house they took the initiative to smoke outside. So now if people are also complaining when they carry out their 'habit' outside, what can they do or where can they go? Do you have a suggestion where they should smoke when they need to do so?

I think that's why HDB build rooftop garden? Whenever I go to my bro's house at Punggol..we always go to the roof garden for a puff...but best if can quit lah..been trying very hard to quit but can't ...haizzz longest 1 can tahan 1 month onli...argghhhhh
Not easy I must say but can be done.....I'm coming to 3 yrs this Aug....perseverance is the word thumbs up

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